Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Introduction of Self

Introduction of self
My name is Kim Rowan. I am from a small town in Alabama, but I live in Georgia now. I am the baby of six children, so I had a lot of parents. Everyone loved to tell me what to do!! I have three beautiful children who keep me very busy!  I graduated from Birmingham-Southern College and then went on to Troy State University to receive my Master’s Degree. Once my children got older, I decided to get my specialist degree from Walden University.
Over the years, I have worked with a wide-range of ages. I taught preschool for ten years and I was director of a preschool program for two years. I have also taught kindergarten, second, third, and fourth grades. I am currently entering my fourth year in fourth grade. I have taught in a variety of settings. I started my career in a private setting with parents who were very involved and then I went to an extremely rural setting where parents were hardly ever involved. The diversity of these settings has aided my ability to see different perspectives.

Since I began this journey, I have grown so much as an educator. In hind-sight, I really wasn’t all that great. There was so much that I didn’t know that it is kind of scary. These classes have taught me how to see different perspectives and what it really means to grow and change. I feel as though I am forever evolving. I have had to do some really deep thinking about myself, my students, and social change. Does anyone else see themselves evolving? Who else looks back and thinks wow I needed some help? Has thinking deeper about what we do made anyone really become passionate about something in the field? I just feel like I am changing for the better and I cannot wait to see what I can do in the field!
   This picture of me shows the developmental stage that I am in. I had  attachment issues. I have 2 dolls, a pacifier, and a bottle. Those were my security things. I had a pacifier until I was 5 years old. I was the baby of 6, so I got a lot of attention. These objects tell me that I wasn't all that secure about the world around me!


  1. Hi Kim! I enjoyed reading your profile about your childhood! Great blog!


  2. I enjoyed reading your blog. I can relate to your experience of being the youngest. I was the youngest of seven and when my sister got married and moved out I regressed to not talking during kindergarten which almost got me held back except my mom begged them not to because I knew everything. I did not speak for about 75% of the year. Have a great week.


  3. Wow!!! Patricia- that is interesting. I guess that trauma(your sister moving out) had a terrible effect on you. Imagine those children who experience repeated trauma!

  4. My passion and strength have developed deeper and deeper each year I see how much my students have grown and the accomplishments they made. I noticed as the years are passing by my students are entering the classroom with more curiosity, and they are asking higher level questions. They want to learn more than just academics, which made me think about further my education. This is one of my reasons why I am pursuing a higher level education. I want to be a role model for my students. I want them to see that learning does not stop with age. I have grown professionally and cognitively since I started my post-graduate courses. I also find myself want to learn more about early childhood development. It has become a part of my everyday routine to find out something new about early childhood education.
