Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Effective Communication

When communicating an idea to politicians or the public, Mindset Tools (n.d.) states that there are 7 C’s that one should follow in order to effectively communicate. They are to be clear, concise, coherent, concrete, correct, courteous and complete. All though each of these is important, I believe that clear and correct are two very important communication skills to possess when leading policy change.  Being clear can minimize misunderstandings and misconceptions. It would be better to get your point across the first time and not have to readdress misunderstood issues later. When communicating to policy leaders and the public, the information presented must be correct, as well. Misinformation leads to distrust and convincing will be difficult.

I completed the Communication Anxiety Inventory and scored a 72. This score indicates that I have elevated anxiety when speaking in public and my ability to effectively communicate, which is not news to me. I recall a time in college when I had to give a speech and I was so scared that I took an F for my grade. I have gotten better with age as my confidence has grown, but I know that I still have weaknesses that need to be addressed. When I have ever had to speak in front of a crowd, I feel as though being clear is a problem. I become so nervous that I think I ramble on and I cannot even remember what I have said. I have to ask someone if I did O.K. In order to make your stance and be convincing, effective communication is essential.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Social Media Platforms

To communicate my policy issue, the two social media platforms that I would choose would be facebook and youtube. I would choose facebook because it will reach many people at the local level. Facebook would include a large audience, but not as large as some. It would be directed towards people I know and are associated with one way or another. I feel that mental health care and particularly children’s mental healthcare is a topic that would catch the interest of people locally quicker by using facebook. Disseminating information through facebook would help me reach other teachers, principals, and others in the district, as well as other districts. I would be about to reach the mayor of my town, as well as a local newspaper writer because I am friends with them directly on facebook.  
The use of youtube would allow me to reach people in mass with this problem that I am sure many schools and teachers face. You tube will reach many more people than facebook. Anyone from around the world can search any subject that interests them. If people like the youtube video that I present, it could possibly go viral. The audience that I could reach with youtube could be on a local level, as well as getting attention at the national level.
Obviously there are benefits, as well as challenges to using social media to communicate. One benefit is that it can reach mass levels with the click of a button. Auer (2011) mentions a challenge that when the majority of participants in social media are young adults, aging from 18-29. This could possibly eliminate the intended audience.

Auer, M. R. (2011). The policy sciences of social media. Policy Studies Journal, 39(4), 709–736.
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