Saturday, October 31, 2015

Systems and Policies

Taking a class dealing with policies and systems is daunting to me. It is true. I have little knowledge of policies that shape early childhood. I have some, but not enough to feel confident in this class right now. If I am totally honest, I could not wrap my head around systems. I read and reread our assigned reading. I could not determine if a system was simply the early childhood education programs or vision as a whole or if or if they were the Early Learning, Health, Family Nutrition, or Special Needs layed in fig. 2.1 in the text. I examined the layout of the text to help me make sense out of systems and subsystems. I am on this journey to learn as much as can about early childhood education, so I may have to work harder in grasping these concepts. Three goals that I would have for myself in this class would be 1) to become familiar with ECE policies and how to get involved with policy making  2) Have more clarity about Systems and how to assess/evaluate one 3) learn ways to ensure professional development for teachers.

I look forward to delving into this topic that I am so unfamiliar with. When I was several years younger, I actually wanted to start my own program and I had no idea where to begin. I think this class will give  a lot of clarity on this. A look at the history of policies will be interesting. I hope that I learn more about budgeting and equality. Why is there never enough money in education? Aren't we doing one of the most important jobs in the world???


  1. Hi Kimberly!
    Like you I am very unfamiliar with systems and policies in early childhood education. As educators, we should be the most informed regarding entities that shape our professions. With my doctoral degree, I am hoping to open my own early childhood school and hopefully this class will be critical in gaining some of the knowledge I need to be successful with that. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Yes, Kimberly, in typical Walden fashion, we've used the word 'systems' in this course to cover a fairly fuzzy set of concepts. I have trouble myself making sense of the use of "systems" in the first discussion post. So, you're in good company. But you and I can agree that there's a system - whatever it is - that makes things go each day and also gets in the way sometimes. Think of systems as the way things are right now. What is that and how does that need some tweaking?
