Saturday, October 17, 2015

Wow!!! I have gained so much insight from this class. Accepting the biases that I have and learning how to be more aware and not let those biases effect my teaching. That is probably the biggest thing that I am taking away from this experience. I did not realize the I had biases until I was force to take a long hard look inside of myself. Reading "The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down" was an incredible story that followed the life of a little girl and her family. It told of the ways that biases from all, had an impact on the care that she received. That story, along with Anti-Bias Education for Young Children and Ourselves, has helped me realize that we all have biases. The resources gave me strategies to deal with these challenges.

It was especially informative to discuss issues and challenges with others in the class. Being able to get points of views other than your own helped me see differences and grow as a scholar practitioner. I definitely feel as though I am a different educator than when I began this journey.

I have enjoyed this course and I am very thankful to Dr. B. for her positive, constructive criticism. This has been one of my favorite classes!!!

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